Thursday, July 7, 2011

6 Months

6 months came and went. Each month seems to slip by faster and faster. I was reading a parenting book the other day and realized that Ingrid is what they were calling "an older baby". Crazy.


  1. I feel the same way. After the sixth month, the seventh went by in a blur. And I'm sure it will seem as if time is speeding up from now on. What a cutie Ingrid is! It looks like you are thoroughly enjoying parenthood. Love it.

  2. Robyn - Yeah, she's almost 8 months old, and I hadn't really posted on here since she was still 5 months old! It's been a blur, that's for sure. Thanks! We are both enjoying our little girl so much!

  3. Paul and I think she is just so cute. Cant wait to see her next month! Teddy (yes, are calling him this now -along with Theo) seems interested in her picture on the fridge now (I guess he's old enough to wonder who she is?)
    I think in the middle photo she looks like a Cupie-baby :)
