Thursday, July 7, 2011

Making Her Food

Reposted from the Sycamore Blog.
Call me crazy, but I'm making Ingrid's baby food.

So far, so good.

The peas are my favorite, simply because they look and taste so much better than the bottled version. Some of the others -- apples for example -- don't seem that much different, and I wonder why I bother. But it is quite a bit less expensive overall, especially if you're going the organic route.

When Kirk's mom found out I wanted to make Ingrid's food, she gave me this book. It's been really great. In addition to baby food recipes, it's been a handy reference for feeding timelines, safety tips, etc... which is nice for a somewhat nervous, first-time mom like me. If anything, it errs on the side of giving too many recipes and information. (A recipe for apple oatmeal tells you to mix together one spoonful of apple puree and one spoonful of cooked oatmeal... Ha ha. Really?)

Who knows if I'll keep this up for Ingrid's entire babyhood, or if her future younger sibling will get the same treatment? For now, I just know that I enjoy making Ingrid's food, and she seems to like eating it... well, most of the time, anyways.  - Eva


  1. Oh I do the same thing! Somehow it feels so good to know that I'm making Rosa the most healthy food that I can give her. So every now and then I spend a night in the kitchen with a lot of greens and fruit and make a large amount to put in the freezer, so each day she will have something healthy to eat.
    However now that Rosa's seven months I feel it's getting a bit more complicated. So far I just gave her this real simple baby food made of just one or two types of fruit/vegetables plus a little bit of pumped breast milk, but from the age of seven months they recommend more 'serious' food here, like adding meat, rice and potatoes and all those things. So I have to think of some other recipes as well!

  2. Yes, I've noticed that you are doing that and also having her feed herself, which is great! I'm at the same point where I'm trying to figure out how to move to the next level of food with her. We'll figure it out, I guess. :)
