Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Just before her 2nd birthday, we used points from our business to take Ingrid to Europe. Specifically, Stockholm, Helsinki, and Paris. Other than the fact that she hardly slept a wink on the many plane rides we took, she was a great little traveler.

Some of my memories of Ingrid on the trip:

+ On our first day there, we let her pick out a toy. She chose a Pippi Longstocking doll (accompanied by Mr. Nielson, of course.) She took those dolls with her every single day and would make them talk and play together while we pushed her in the stroller. They were a lifesaver and such a great souvenir from the trip.

+ Her favorite thing on the trip was when we'd let her get out of the stroller and run around in a park, town square, etc.... especially if there was a bench nearby. She LOVED climbing up on benches.

+ She had the time of her life visiting the replica of Pippi's house (Villa Villekula) at Junibacken in Stockholm. Her favorite parts were playing in the kitchen with the cakes and cookies and getting to sit on and groom Pippi's (wooden) horse.

+ Whenever we'd have to carry her stroller up and down stairs or take it on the escalator (which was multiple times a day), she'd throw her legs up in the air and say "flying!"

+ She loved any kind of "ride". Taxi rides, boat rides, train rides, etc...

+ The carousel in the Tuileries gardens in Paris was a big hit. We made sure to go twice. We also took her to the old-fashioned Paris zoo, which she loved. Especially the monkeys and the flamingos, which she told us were "noisy".

23 months on October 16, 2012.

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